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Loyalty Points

Read about what they are, how to get them, and how to spend them.

How to collect loyalty points

You can currently collect loyalty points in the following ways:

  • Place an order - every time you place an order you'll be awarded points based on the size of the order. We're currently giving 1.5 points per £1.00 spent - you'll be surprised how quickly they add up!
  • Find a typo - spotted a mistake? We've got a bounty of 25 loyalty points on the head of every typo. If you're the first to report it, it's all yours! Some of the more serious grammatical errors may also be subject to reward; however, this will be at our (extremely fair) discretion! Please contact us with any mistakes you spot!

How to spend loyalty points

Each point is worth £0.01 - you can spend loyalty points on any order placed through this website. On the basket page, just below your total, you will be given the option to pay for all or part of your order using any available loyalty points held on your account.