Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Spinner Gift Box - 20 Flavours (100g)
SKU: 293
Jelly Belly + Game + Luck + Daring = Bean Boozled! These jelly beans may look alike but they could not taste more different from each other!

£5.78 +20% VAT
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We only sell this product in a case of 12. Click the button below to see it.
Case of 12Jelly Belly with a twist (and a spinner!) Bean Boozled is a simple but fun game which consists of a box of Jelly Belly jelly beans (100g) and a spinner. Take it in turns to spin, then pick out the bean you land on. Eat it. Sounds easy enough... Now here's the catch! Each of the 10 juicy fruity Jelly Belly flavours has an evil twin - a counterpart with a foul flavour. Which did you pick? Only one way to find out...! Please note this item is currently 6th edition.
Flavours and their evil twins:
- Cappuccino... or Liver & Onions
- Berry Blue... or Toothpaste!
- Toasted Marshmallow... or Stink Bug!
- Peach... or Barf!
- Pomegranate... or Old Bandage!
- Buttered Popcorn... or Rotten Egg!
- Birthday Cake... or Dirty Dishwater!
- Juicy Pear... or Booger!
- Strawberry Banana Smoothie... or Dead Fish!
- Tutti-Fruitti... or Stinky Socks!
Offer them to friends for amusing reactions!